AWeber Crash Course 4.0
Put your name on this course which NOW comes with PLR resale rights and sell it as your own Take my crash course AWeber 4.0 and quickly become an AWeber authority and start making money with your listing!
I'm going to teach you everything I learned about maximizing AWeber list building software! It's 7 detailed, step-by-step, over-the-shoulder video tutorials included in this 3-hour aWeber Crash Course! Finally, master one of the industry's most popular email autoresponders.
You learn the right way to set up your mailing list in AWeber. You're looking over my shoulder as I create the "Thank You" page and the "Success Confirmation" page (also called the "Upload" page where they get their lead magnet) in a WordPress website (AWeber works with n' any website!).
You learn where to paste the links to these pages in AWeber. We create the Opt-in form in AWeber and then paste this code into your site. It's so easy once someone shows you how!
Within this package you will find the following modules: Affiliate Banners Bonuses Checklists Emails Swipes Get Aweber for FREE! Sales Page Transcripts Videos